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Be Challenged: Boost staff wellbeing and empower students withBe Challenged programs and workshops

At Be Challenged, we value the opportunity to partner with schools around Australia in the delivery of programs and workshops for school students, teaching staff and support staff. 

Our programs can be aligned to the strategic objectives of your school and are designed to enhance cohesiveness, confidence, communication, collaboration and leadership skills. 

Our in-house Educational Consultant, coupled with our highly experienced Sales Executives, Event Managers and Facilitators, will work with you to ensure your Be Challenged program is delivered with your specific objectives in mind. 

Student programs 

Our student programs and workshops are closely mapped to the general capabilities and serve to enhance skills in collaboration, critical thinking and creative thinking. We consider them to be ‘learning in disguise’ for students of all ages! 

Participants have fun, while learning the value of challenge, effective communication with others and the power of resilience when seeking to achieve a goal. 

We can design and deliver: 

  • Programs to promote the cohesiveness of groups of students and to support school culture, aligned to the values of your school 

  • Bespoke programs designed according to the needs of your school’s curricular and co-curricular programs 

  • Enrichment opportunities to challenge gifted and talented students, who thrive from differentiated learning opportunities 

  • Programs mapped to the General Capabilities, as identified by The New South Wales Education Standards Authority and in the National Curriculum 

  • Programs mapped to key areas of the curriculum, such as PDHPE, Science and Commerce 

  • Programs to support key milestones in your school calendar, such as orientation days, leadership inductions and transitions to new stages of schooling 

  • Workshops to enhance the leadership skills of students 

  • A strengths-based approach which assists students to become empowered and self-confident 

Programs and workshops for school leaders, teachers and support staff 

Our programs and workshops for teachers, school leaders and support staff reinforce the value of working as a cohesive team. Participants in Be Challenged staff programs break down barriers and silo mentalities, all the while boosting well-being, addressing psychosocial safety in the workplace and reminding individuals of their personal strengths. 

We can design and deliver: 

  • Programs to promote team building and to support culture, aligned to the values of your school 

  • Opportunities to foster the well-being of teachers and support staff and boost team morale through fun, strengths based, interactive programs 

  • Activities which foster creative and critical thinking, acting as springboards for productive strategic planning days while reminding teachers of the value of imagination 

  • Workshops which enhance confidence and capability in key areas, such as managing difficult conversations, understanding change, psychological safety and providing feedback 

  • Energising facilitation of large scale events, staff professional development opportunities and conferences-either on-site or off-site 

  • Bespoke workshops for school leadership teams, designed to enhance team synergy and cohesiveness 

  • Collaborative design and delivery of engaging and energising staff induction days. 

1300 723 476


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