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EduSensory: The transformative power of sensory spaces for inclusive learning in schools

In recent years, the inclusion of sensory spaces in schools has gained significant attention, particularly for their benefits to neurodivergent students and students experiencing anxiety or behavioural challenges. These spaces offer a sanctuary where children can explore and develop their senses in a controlled environment, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and supportive educational setting. 

Benefits for schools 

1. Emotional regulation 

Reduces anxiety and stress: A calming atmosphere can reduce anxiety and stress levels, promoting emotional stability. 

Assists teachers to successfully manage classroom disturbances: Allowing a stressed student to relax in a clinically designed space, ensures the teacher is able to keep the class focused. 

2. Sensory integration and processing 

Enhances sensory processing: Sensory spaces provide a controlled environment where children can engage with various stimuli at their own pace, helping them learn to process sensory information more effectively. 

Improves focus and attention: By providing sensory breaks, these spaces can help students focus and return to their classroom tasks with improved concentration. 

3. Academic performance 

Boost academic success: With improved sensory processing and emotional regulation, students can be better equipped to participate in classroom activities and succeed academically. 

Enhances learning environment: Sensory spaces contribute to a more inclusive learning environment, ensuring all students have the opportunity to thrive. 

Current challenges faced by schools to create an inclusive sensory wellbeing environment 

Finding space to create a sensory environment 

Staffing sensory rooms with qualified specialised teachers on a full-time basis is expensive. 

Implementing sensory spaces in schools with EduSensory 

EduSensory in conjunction with professors from the University of Newcastle have researched best practice for sensory spaces in Australian schools and developed the following EduSensory Pod: 

  1. Portable with a small footprint: This pod features all the inclusions of a sensory room, however it can be moved into a classroom or common area where it is easily accessed by students at the discretion of teachers. 

  2. Customisation: The Sensory Pod has been tailored to meet the needs of Australian classrooms. Specific student needs can also be catered for. (EduSensory offers a service to provide a complete sensory fitout for schools that already have their own sensory or wellbeing room). 

  3. Safe and easy to clean: Soft surfaces, non-toxic materials, covered wheels and safe electrical design are just some of the considerations. 

  4. Professional development and collaboration: Training is provided to teachers and support staff on the effective use of the Sensory Pod. Understanding how and when to integrate sensory breaks for some students is crucial. Collaboration is encouraged between special education professionals, occupational therapists, classroom teachers and parents to maximise the benefits of sensory spaces. 

Sensory spaces are a vital component in creating an inclusive and supportive educational environment for neurodivergent students. Research shows students with behavioural challenges and anxiety also benefit from being able to access these spaces. Schools that invest in sensory spaces are making a profound commitment to the well-being and success of all their students, paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future. 

“EduSensory Pod is defined as a private environment within an activity room or closely adjacent to it that allows people on the autism spectrum to disengage from the activity and temporarily retreat in order to calm down and then re-engage with the previous activity.” Professor Alison Lane, PhD (Occupational Therapy) 

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