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Engage Health: Build a resilient brain with the WISE Resilience program for schools

The WISE (Wellbeing In Schools and Education) Resilience program is an evidence-based initiative transforming how organisations foster mental, emotional and social resilience.

The program, based on neuroscience, empowers staff and students by cultivating skills that promote neuroplasticity, psychological resilience, adaptability, stress reduction, emotional intelligence and mental wellbeing. This training has emerged as a transformative solution, offering participants an opportunity to learn how to change their brain structurally, bolster resilience and strengthen their minds just as they

would their bodies.

Why engage us?

Alarming statistics show in each year, approximately one in every five Australians will experience a mental disorder. Of even greater concern is the increasing number of students experiencing psychological distress and mental health challenges. 1 in 7 Australian children and adolescents aged 4-17 experience a mental illness or behavioural problems. There must be a focus on psychological safety and prevention, as well as programs that strengthen and protect our brains.

Equipping staff and students with the tools to navigate mental health challenges and thrive in the face of adversity has become a critical aspect of education. As the global conversation around mental health and wellbeing gains more momentum, programs like WISE Resilience are becoming essential in shaping the future of education. By prioritising resilience, the education sector can not only enhance staff wellbeing, but also prepare students to navigate life with greater positivity, confidence and courage.

Benefits of the WISE Resilience program

The benefits of bolstering resilience go beyond academic success. Resilient students are better equipped to handle stress, build healthy relationships and maintain a positive outlook despite adversity. They are more likely to:

• Have a calmer, more peaceful mind

• Achieve higher grades and test scores

• Develop strong coping mechanisms for mental health challenges

and handling personal pressures

• Build stronger social connections

• Sleep better

• Be able to regulate difficult emotions in a healthy way

• Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn

• Strengthen compassion, empathy, kindness and communication skills

• Exhibit leadership qualities and problem-solving skills.

Changing the brain structurally

Research in neuroscience reveals certain brain regions are pivotal in determining our resilience. One of the most promising aspects of neuroscience is the concept of neuroplasticity- the brain’s ability to reorganise itself by forming new connections. This is the point of difference with our training. Our results consistently show our brains are capable of considerable growth and transformation. Our training strengthens the pre-frontal cortex, enhancing executive function such as decision making, rational and critical thinking, problem solving, emotional regulation and inhibiting impulses. We instill evidence-based skills and strategies to cultivate long-term habits and lead to improved

ways of coping, thinking, feeling, behaving, managing stress, performing and navigating mental health challenges.

Flexible delivery

The WISE Resilience program is adaptable to various educational settings and grade levels. Modules can be delivered as an 8 week program (one hour facilitated workshop per week) or a two-part workshop (2 x one hour workshops).

Teacher training and support

To ensure effective implementation, the WISE Resilience Program is highly recommended for staff and educators. Education and support staff are equipped with strategies to bolster resilience, create calm classrooms and create supportive, mindful environments.

Evidence-based approach

All of the tools and practices in the program are evidence-based. Our training is backed by robust evidence and neuroscience. We emphasise continuous improvement through regular surveys, data collation and feedback. If desired, organisations can request a ROI report to measure the program effectiveness, impact and pre/post changes.

For more information about WISE Resilience please contact

We look forward to hearing from you.

0401 358 309


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