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Healthy Minds: Preventing anxiety, depression and eating disorders in schools

The Healthy Minds program is a unique, evidence-based approach to fostering wellbeing and preventing the onset of anxiety, depression, and eating disorders in young people. By equipping students with core psychological skills, reducing specific risk factors, and building protective factors, the program empowers students to develop robust mental health and resilience. 

Grounded in cutting-edge research and theory, the Healthy Minds program integrates elements of transdiagnostic theory, preventive psychology, cognitive-behavioural approaches, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), self-compassion, media literacy, positive psychology, social learning theory, and evolutionary theory. This comprehensive approach ensures that students receive a well-rounded education in mental health and wellbeing. 

Our flagship program is designed to engage the entire school community, with components tailored for students, teachers, and parents: 

  • 10 school visits by Healthy Minds facilitators 

  • Teacher training day to prepare classroom lesson delivery 

  • Year 7 or 8 Parent Night: "Seven Secrets to a Healthy Mind" 

  • 8-week program for Year 7 or 8 students: 8 group presentations by a Healthy Minds psychologist and 8 corresponding classroom lessons 

  • Comprehensive Teachers' Guide with lesson plans and resources 

  • Student Workbooks for use in digital or print format 

  • Weekly Parent Modules to reinforce core content at home 

  • Additional visit for 3 hours of customised sessions with other student groups and staff 

Testimonials highlight the program's positive impact: 

"The material sent home was brilliant and allowed the whole family to be educated and to discuss the concepts taught. I am very pleased that this course has been run at my children's school." — Parent 

"Wow. As good as any PD I have been involved in over the duration of my career (30 years). This would be extremely valuable for colleagues and staff. In fact, this workshop would help my/our school move forward." — Teacher 

"It was extremely helpful and one of the best experiences of my life. Taught me a lot of things. Cannot explain how much it helps me on the daily." — Student 

"Healthy minds really helped me understand mental wellbeing and I think I will benefit from this program a lot, thank you." — Student 

Invest in your students' wellbeing with the Healthy Minds program. Together, we can create a generation of resilient, thriving young people ready to tackle life's challenges. 

0411 591 276


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