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Readiness For Schools: Australia’s ready-to-teach, comprehensive wellbeing curriculum

Did you know that half of all mental health concerns manifest before children even turn 14 and 70% of visits to paediatricians are related to mental health. Despite these alarming statistics, access to evidence-based wellness programs remains severely limited. 

Furthermore, there's a noticeable deficiency in support systems for discussing mental health with parents, and significant disparities exist in how different schools address these issues, compounded by varying levels of teacher skill and knowledge. 

Introducing Readiness for Schools 

Readiness For Schools a comprehensive wellbeing curriculum made by teachers, for teachers to deliver primary school students fundamental mental health and wellbeing literacy. The lessons learned provide skills that can support them through their school years and gives them fundamental skills that can underpin the rest of their life. 

Readiness For Schools is a 100% online platform that can be delivered anywhere, anytime. The program has its foundations in elite sport, with the goal of helping students to become the best version of themselves. 

Backed by science 

The program is backed by science, based on professor Martin Seligmans’ PERMA wellbeing model, covering the core topics: 

  • Positive Emotions 

  • Engagement 

  • Relationships 

  • Meaning 

  • Accomplishment 

  • And includes the widely used H (Health) topic 

The program is 100% aligned to the Australian Curriculum and each lesson incorporates CASEL principles of social and emotional learning and is designed using our “Learn, Live, Lead” principle: learn the key concepts through education, live the concept by putting them into practice in everyday life, lead by example and explain and encourage others. 

Each module contains three levels, structuring the overall module into manageable learning pathways that can be taught by teachers in a classroom setting. The program incorporates theory, activities and supporting resources to cater for the different learning styles and different levels of emotional maturity. 

Comprehensive curriculum 

There are 54 modules available that cover the entire breadth of wellbeing topics, with each module providing a Level 1, 2 and 3 lesson plan, tailored accordingly to the age and developmental level of the students. The program has been designed so that each Level is taught across a two years as part of the Health & Physical Education curriculum, with 27 modules taught each year. 

We acknowledge that many schools already have programs that that they use and other elements of the HPE curriculum to cover, so the program has flexible purchase options including: 

  • All 54 modules 

  • 22 “core” modules 

  • Bundles, covering typical issues faced by schools including yard incidents and bullying, family life, anxiety and emotions, connections and friendship, online safety, positivity and health. 

  • Single modules 

Keeping parents informed 

Each lesson plan also includes a parent email template so that teachers can easily keep parents up to date. Each template provides a summary of the key themes covered by each lesson and provides links to the resources their children have been shown so as to foster further exploration or discussion at home. 

Tracking progress 

Readiness For Schools also includes a survey module, which provides weekly surveys designed to measure learning progress and also includes some general wellbeing check-in questions. The survey takes less than 5 minutes is designed for students from year 4 and above. The survey results provide structured data that allows teachers to check in on progress of their class, and can also be used to identify any children that are struggling and may need further support. 

A detailed dashboard is also provided to principals so that they can quickly gauge the wellbeing of the student cohort on a year by year or class by class level. 

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