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WaterUps: Transform your school with WaterUps wicking systems

In today's world, fostering sustainability in education is crucial. 

At WaterUps, we are committed to revolutionising school and educational gardens across Australia with our innovative wicking systems. Our mission is to empower educators and students by providing sustainable, efficient and engaging gardening solutions that perfectly align with educational goals and environmental stewardship. 

Discover the benefits of WaterUps wicking systems 

WaterUps offers a diverse range of wicking system beds and planters designed to meet the unique needs of educational centres. Our systems are also modular and versatile, allowing you to create wicking solutions of any size or shape, and can be easily retrofitted into existing garden spaces. Whether you have a small courtyard or a large school garden, WaterUps can provide the perfect solution. 

Key features 

Water efficiency: Save up to 80 per cent of water and significantly reduce maintenance time. Our wicking systems ensure your plants receive consistent moisture, making them ideal for maintaining gardens during holiday periods. 

Growth enhancement: Experience up to 30–50 per cent more plant growth, creating lush, thriving gardens. Our systems provide optimal growing conditions, promoting healthier and more resilient plants. 

Low maintenance: Our systems can be left for extended periods without watering, ensuring your garden thrives even when school is out. This feature is particularly beneficial during holiday breaks. 

Ease of use: Simple to set up and maintain, WaterUps wicking systems ensure students can engage easily and see tangible results. This successful hands-on learning experience boosts enthusiasm for gardening and sustainability initiatives. 

Student-friendly designs: Our wicking beds and planters are easily accessible for students of all ages. They feature a robust, long-lasting design made from durable materials, ensuring they withstand the rigours of daily use in an educational setting. 

Real-world success 

Wilkins Public School in Marrickville, Sydney, is a shining example of how WaterUps wicking system can transform educational settings. Through a sustainable schools grant, the school installed our wicking system, creating an interactive garden space that benefits the entire school community. Students engage in hands-on learning, understanding plant life cycles, water conservation and sustainability practices. 

Watch the Wilkins Public School Case Study: 

Sustainability at the core 

WaterUps wicking systems are proudly designed and manufactured in Australia using locally and sustainably sourced recycled food-grade plastics. By choosing WaterUps, you are not only supporting local industry but also promoting sustainability and environmental awareness within your school community. 

Enhance learning with WaterUps 

WaterUps wicking systems offer a variety of learning opportunities that can be applied across multiple subjects. These hands-on educational tools make it easy to integrate sustainability into your curriculum, fostering a lifelong appreciation for the environment in your students. 

"The WaterUps wicking system have transformed our school garden. The students love seeing their plants thrive, and it's a fantastic way to teach sustainability." 

– Sarah Jones, Principal, Wilkins Public School 

WaterUps: pioneers in sustainable school gardening 

By choosing WaterUps, you’re not just creating a garden; you’re nurturing a sustainable future and enhancing your school’s educational journey. Visit our website to learn more about our innovative wicking systems and contact us to receive special discounted rates for educational centres. 

1300 205 550


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